Tuesday 11 March 2014

God Loves Diversity

aap crook 017

In a comment on a blog post, Andrew said that he was a fan of Bruno the Superdawg and hoped for more info. I might well do something on these lines on the final and eventual passing of the Superdawg, but in the meantime, I’d just like to say this:

Bruno is the product of indefinite and undefined breeding. He is, you might say, of mixed race, certainly mixed parentage and he is, quite obviously, quite brown, hence the name.  His parents are unknown, absent and, probably almost feral. He started life with absolutely nothing at all. No hope and underfed. His fate, apparently sealed. He was, in fact, doomed. His only asset was his wagging tail and his temperament and these things saved his life.

Lets not put too fine a point on his lineage. He is a mongrel. A rescue dog. The pits. The bottom of the pile. The vet said we’d have “trouble” with him. But he was wrong.

crook east 004

He’s now thirteen years old and losing the ability to jump over stiles and fences with just the one mighty bound  (he tends to hit a fence half way up and fall off). And he’s either ignoring me a bit more or his hearing is starting to fail a bit. He is, in fact,just like me, getting a bit old and decrepit. He failed to cross a cattle grid  a few days ago, for the first time, holding up a painful paw for soothing afterwards….

And he’s not good in a group – he wants to be at the front and whinges and pulls…. which is why I hardly ever walk with him in a group.

But when there’s just me and him……

cross fell 021


  1. I love Bruno. I want the t-shirt. If I ever persuade TTS to get another dog, I want one just like Superdawg. (Except it'll be a German Shepherd, 'cos I am a dog snob and our Meggydog was a shepherd and she was ace.)

  2. Good old Bruno. I always enjoy seeing him in the blog-header pic, his mouth wide open waiting for a pie to fall in. He seems to enjoy the snow. Dogs seem to like it pretty well. I wonder if he eats it? Most dogs like to consume as much of it as they can while it's to be had. I can't jump over stiles like I used to either, so I avoid them as much as possible.

  3. Aw shucks,he is lovely. Maybe old in body but still young in spirit!

  4. Love that first pic Mike. Hope he enjoys many more winters to come.

  5. Thank goodness you found Bruno.

  6. Thank you Mike, much appreciated.
    I really liked that first photo, and I noticed Bruno was sporting a very nice coat; I suppose he prefers Jack Wolfskin to other brands?

  7. Eeeh, many of your comments struck a chord there with me and Dixie. And with Dixie also being aged (12) and quite deaf these days, I'm not ashamed to say you almost had me in tears.

  8. I loved the biography of SuperDawg...more about Bruno would be appreciated here.

  9. Give him his own Facebook page. I want to hear his side of the story.

  10. Cripes, worralorracomments... Thanks each - we all love Bruno (except Meanie, our cat...) He's not getting a facebook page, though. He'd only use it to beg for food...


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