Sunday 1 December 2013

It’s Christmas!

I really really like the Solstice, or Yule, or Christmas. And so, in a bit, I’ll be digging out the blinking LED’s from wherever they were bundled last January and sticking them all over the holly tree by the main drawbridge of Knipetowers. And then plugging them in to see if they work.
And then nipping down to B&Q to get some more cos they don’t.

In the meantime, and before I get to do a bit more rangering and guided walks stuff (Advent Adventure walk on Wednesday – 8 miles “medium”, starts half ten at St Catherine’s Community Centre in Crook with hot drinks and cakes and stuff afterwards) (Just a light plug)… in the meantime, here’s a completely irrelevant video made at Low Force, just past the wobbly bridge in the very lovely Teesdale.



  1. You did a wonderful rendition of Johnny there Mike. It was you wasn't it.

  2. Wonderful stuff Mike, awesome talent!


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