Monday 4 November 2013

A Wet Weekend With the Fight Club Hikers

a  small party in the hut

Well worra washout. The plan was to camp at Buttermere on Friday night and walk up to Haystacks for a convivial wild camp up there on Saturday night.

masey gill

On Friday night, we had a few drinks…. and it blew a hoolie all night and chucked it down, so much so that some tents had their own moats by the morning – which was cold, wet and windy and looked to be settled in for the day. So we went to Keswick for Goulash, Pie and Chips and Venison Pie and some light shopping.

peter paddy

Saturday evening was spent in the hut or shelter on the campsite and a little party developed. Masey and TDude cheated at quiztime by getting the questions right. It continued to sporadically chuck it down and/or be quite breezy most of the night. At some hazy point, I had to repeg the akto which was getting smaller inside somehow.

woodstock pepper

On Sunday, on the way home (ish) , I bagged the little HuMP High Park, which is just to the left of Lamplugh and has a nice view of the Solway Firth on one side, with Scottish hills visible, and Ennerdale and environs on the other side.

western fells from high park

On the drive home, I couldn’t help noticing a thin dusting of fresh snow on the very top of Skiddaw and at the high crossing into Weardale, at Killhope Cross, the car thermometer was reading just 3 C.   Brrrr….

solway firth from high park

As far as the walking and camping was concerned, this event was a bit of a washout. As far as boozing is concerned it was a complete success. I enjoyed it anyway. Shame about the storm.


  1. I experienced the storm in Cumbria on Saturday and was very pleased to be indoors. I was at an event where the very large marque type tent lifted 20ft into the air cleared 2 barbed wire fences and continued to roll 100yds down the field. It must have weighed around a ton i would have thought. At some points during the event the hail was so thick we could just about see through it. And lightening too.
    We had to reconvene in the bar too. Wonderful places these bars.

  2. It wasn't brilliant in Timperley at the weekend either.... coincidently the boozing was good here too!

  3. Looks like you had fun Mike. Possibly thermals next week?

  4. Sound like the enjoyment factor was still good though Mike.....

  5. Pity about the weather - it's certainly been ... interesting ... lately.

    But you can't beat a good HuMP ... apparently. ;-)

  6. It was nice to see you again Mike. To other Pieblog readers, we did not "wimp out" merely decided that goulash, pie and chips was the better part of valour. The weather was truly miserable. Great weekend though.

  7. Thanks everybody - there's nothing better than sitting inside a tent/hut/pub/car/jobcentreplus when it's raining cats and dogs. It takes guts to eat a whole venison pie too... And I do have guts. Huuuge guts, in fact..


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