Sunday 1 September 2013

Superdawg Has A Little Camp-Out

bruno's not getting up today

Me and the Dawg quite like living ooop here in the North-East where its not too difficult and usually quite quick to find a quiet little hideaway where there are no madding crowds to get far from and where only the local shepherd and the keeper visit from time to time. (Hopefully not when you’re snoozing in your tent)

a lane above weardale!

So me and the Dawg and the Son-In –law had a Friday night out somewhere up Weardale where nobody goes and very few people are all that bothered anyway.

sunny morning

a wet dog on my sleeping bag

Bruno attempts so self-anaesthetise as he’s not allowed any alcohol


We got wet on the way up, blown about overnight, midgied, sunshine and sausaged in the morning (this is not a metaphor, we ate sausages…)

a cave to be explored later

A cave – now parked in the list of places to explore with a helmet on.


Geologist and anti-cat protester Bruno points out some coral fossils in a streambed. Some say it’s Frosterley marble. Others say it’s nowhere near Frosterley

The idea was to camp on top of a local Nuttal/Hewitt but the wind blew hard and the rain slashed down in sheets, so we ended up in a very nice sheltered green spot at a mere 500 metres.


An interesting limestone kirk very close by….

Bruno enjoyed the akto. I had some rum, a chicken curry and radio 4.

We might do this again.

the dawg


  1. I like son in laws shelter. Now that proper camping. Non of them soft Akto condensers.
    Its nice to do a wee trip like this, they can be good fun.

  2. Looked a bit brutal to me. Its even called a "basha" which proves it...

  3. Aaww shucks, Bruno looks so chilled out.

  4. You'll have to buy him a doggie backpack to carry his gear in. Or is he going ultra-lightweight, i.e. letting you carry his stuff?

  5. Very interesting Mikey, some great photos and a great story

  6. Bruno is usually pretty relaxed, Dawn. Its probably the cocaine I put in his kibble.
    Bruno is definitely UL. he carries just his collar, a hidden microchip and half a kilo of minced horse in his stomach.


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