Monday 9 September 2013

Another Intermission

upper weardale near ireshopeburn
Right, that’s it – if you’re all going to avoid my sponsorship begging post, I’m going to Dartmoor. In the morning. No, don’t try to stop me, my mind’s made up (this phrase translates as a “happy mind” in Liverpool by the way).
early in the morning, just before eleven o’clock, I’m catching a train which leads to another train, then another train, then another train which, if they all link up, will see me getting off a train (another train) in Ivybridge which is somewhere down there. From there I will head North and, hopefully, will arrive in due course in Okehampton where I have a bed booked and paid for in a B&B.
I will return shortly after that, hopefully to a bunch of emails from Richard Branson detailing the amounts and bawdy comments of many and various generous donators.
The website link for donating  to my sponsored strip utterly and brutally naked and plunge enthusiastically into the dangerously hypothermic waves at Druridge Bay is here
In the meantime , here’s a song which has nothing at all to do with the subject in question.
The pics on this post are from recent rangering reccies up Teesdale and Weardale for walks for the winter Durham County Council guided walks programme.

Gimme yr money or I’ll take me pants off!


  1. Does anyone actually believe you are going to do it!! I think peeps are probably checking out the facilities in Durham A&E before pledging. Ha

  2. I have a few sponsors Alan - enough to commit me (and maybe I ought to be committed?) to doing the jape. So, I'm definitely going for it. It's "plodging" by the way, not "pledging"

  3. Blimey. That took me back nearly 40 years. Me & the girlfriend had come back to the flat to find my flatmate in a darkened room, eyes closed, wrapped in headphones hollering at the top of his lung to this one.

    So we slipped a tape recorder under his bed and left the room quietly.

    It got played at his birthday party.

    Where's John Boden now, eh?


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