Saturday 17 August 2013

Teesdale Water Videos

Just testing me camera and how to post videos. No need for Terrybnd to lose any sleep...!

Hmmm - seemed to work quite well.  Here's another from yesterday's reccy walk up by the Tees. As you can see, the River is almost in spate

AS you can see, the video recording starts before I'm ready for it.


I ought to use more short videos on the blog, really - and the only reason I haven't done so far is that my computer was full and didn't have enough space to get the video file out of my camera and on to the computer. But my son's just built me a new computer with lots of space and speed and it's fan isn't full of ten years of dust....


  1. impressive Mike, a fair bit of water there. Look forward to my video shots.

  2. i can’t believe that camera held together with elastic bands and duct tape actually takes video! ha

  3. Bother, cannot access films on tablet.

  4. Dawn - Does this mean you're going to post video shots?
    Alan - I got a new camera - Coolpix from Asda..... seems OK....
    Welshpaddler - I would say that you're not missing a lot although, if you're a paddler you might get excited by pics of rushing water and/or my feet...

  5. Not even going to attempt it Mike. The camera blurr would make folk dizzy!!


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