Monday 5 August 2013

At Last! An Intermission!

It seems that over the last few days, I wasn't fated to go off to Wales for the bagging of Hewitts. But it appears that finally, at last, Things have Come Together and I can set off.  The "Things" were mainly the knipemobile who's MOT expired and, following an inspection, needed a bit of work . Unfortunately, this Bit of Work took from Friday till Monday AND, on top of all this, it's been chucking it down in Wales to the extent of several inches, so even if I could have set off, it wouldn't have been a lot of fun.

But now, the knipemobile is all packed up and so, early in the morning I'm setting off hopefully for Devil's Bridge for the bagging of Pen y Garn.

I ought to be back Thursday. or Friday if the spirit is willing...

In the meantime, here's the usual Intermission video. This is specially for lost sheep.

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