Sunday 16 June 2013


weardale wander reccy 008

I seem to have buggerred up my back somehow and…. I can’t walk very far. Which really is a right bugger as I’m supposed to be leading a guided walk on Wednesday.(And a walk with me brother on Tuesday)(and a walk with DCC rangers tomorrow…)

The wife says it’s sciatica (she’s a fully qualified arcane neo-medicalist general nurse with magical fingers) and has prescribed ibrupofen gel, massage and lots of cheap whisky, all, or at least most of which I’m very willing to try.

There could be a bit of a gap here…..

What I’d really like to know is what happens to a walking idiot who can’t bloody walk…?

Aaargh somebody give me a rub down…



  1. My sympathies, Mike. I had two really bad bouts of sciatica. One lasted 4 years and both required operations so I know how miserable it can be. And it aint all in the mind you know! However, if it is back related keeping mobile does help, I was told, but not carrying a load.

  2. I would prescribe regular all day breakfasts, hot toddies and warm pillows.

    Important to keep hydrated, so gentle strolls to the nearest pub are in order too.


  3. Oh no! You'll be going stir crazy then...

  4. Commiserations Mike, hope you are on the mend soon

  5. Dr Fellbound - well, thanks very much - years , eh? And operations....?
    Dr Sloman - This a treatment I can relate to. A bar stool might be dangerous, though. I might have to sit by the window...
    Dr Louise - Always nice to hear from a psychiatrist. I'm more worried about the dawg's mental health. He might start chewing things... (dog toys, furniture, limbs...)
    Dr Dawn - Ta. No walkies today - but I might try on Tuesday and I'm pretty much committed to Wednesday. What I really need is somebody to sue...

  6. Boo hiss! I do hope (for Bruno's sake, as well as yours!) that it's a short-lived attack.

  7. You could try mountain biking - it's my new 'miracle cure' :)

    But more seriously, hope it sorts itself out quickly.

    Oh and we sampled a northern pie in Stanhope last week, in your honour. Very tasty it was too.


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