Wednesday 5 June 2013

Interlude Plan B - Ode to Joy/ Off to Ettrick

Always have a Plan B. that's what my Uncle Stan used to say. Mind you, he was as mad as a box of raspberry jelly on a double decker bus going out of control down Alston main street (it's cobbled, y'see...)

The Plan A trip, which involved non-lightweight camping in the Howgills, that is to say, luxury, food-based camping involving bits of dead cow, onions and potatoes and all kinds of lovely delicacies like that, has had to be postponed.

Ans so, me and the Dawg are off to Ettrick to do some bagging of minor hills, explorations of the lovely Ettrick ridges, paddling in the beck and consuming the fine selection of nutritious food wot I've just got from Sainsbury's

Probably back sometime Monday, unless it rains a lot in the meantime, which seems unlikely.

Talking of meantimes, here is the very talented "beaker" playing "Ode to Joy" This is the short version. Note that people with other people's livers shouldn't be watching this kind of thing before the hole heals up.  Rock on, Tommy....


  1. On a lovely sunning morning when i should be out instead if painting the house, thanks Mike for the vid. Brill.
    Have a good time on the Ettrick ridges.

  2. Beethoven would be made up ....... Enjoy Ettrick. The Borders finest.......


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