Tuesday 7 May 2013

2013 TGO Challenge – The Last One?

somewhere big
The 2013 TGO Challenge is highly likely to be my last TGO Challenge. it will, after all, be my twelfth (should I arrive in Montrose) I mean who wants to have thirteen Challenges?
There are reasons why this is likely to be my last attempt at a TGO Challenge, and all will be revealed in a couple of weeks – following the story of whatever transpires on the 2013 TGO challenge.
In the meantime, here’s a little relevant video. I’m off to the Lammermuir’s shortly and then the TGO. I’ll be back at the end of May. There will be no mobile blogging.


  1. Indeed.

    See you in Montrose, Mike. Good luck with your walk, fella.

  2. I'm heading off tomorrow morning (free bus pass!) - to travel West across Scotland by public transport (not that easy!). Then I'm walking back......see you in Montrose then....

  3. You've got me worried now, Mike. Anyway, you've already done the Lammermuirs ..... or are you going back for the hilly bits that we wouldn't let you do?

  4. See you soon Mike, have a good walk.

  5. Oh Mike, i don’t like the sound of that.
    13 is not unlucky, its just a number.

    Hope to see you in the near future and have a good crossing.

  6. But....but....

    I'll see you somewhere along the way.

    Go safely.


  7. I love blogs that reveal such passion for walking in the wonderful British countryside. Our amazing network of ancient paths is yet another reason why we should be immensely proud to be British - counteracting the gloom merchants.... But is everything okay with you?

  8. I hope you've had chance to reconsider now.


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