Thursday 4 April 2013

Interlude - The Boy with Tape on His Face

There will now be another one of those short gaps. This time, I'm off to Dunbar in the morning to catch a train to Edinburgh and thence a bus to Lauder (I said LAUDER!) where several spaces are booked on the campsite.

This is a TGO challenge training walk which should take three, or possibly four days. We have scoff for four, but we're hoping for three.

"Us" includes me, John , Alan and Judith - potentially a spectacularly well blogged route, should we arrive at the other end.
Due to deep snow cover (we think) our first intended route of some 70km over the moors to Dunbar seems over-ambitious and so, its more likely that we'll plod the Herring Road, with possible added loops to Dunbar.

Survivors will be taken back to Lauder and shot... apols... returned to their car for the fleshpots of Cheshire.

In the meantime, wish us luck and enjoy this short clip of a boy with tape on his face.

I mean, what could go wrong......?


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