Sunday 10 March 2013

Jane Tomlinson’s Peak District Walk


kinder edge

As winter returns for yet another nibbler at the toes of spring, me and Dawn are off to South Wales for yet another backpacking trip. Who knows what will happen. Whatever it is that will occur, I’ll be away till next Saturday evening, so, in the meantime, there’ll be a little hiatus or space on the pieblog, as there often is.

But this time, instead of posting a pop video of somebody you’d forgotten, or , at least, your dad had forgotten, I’m going to mention Jane Tomlinson’s peak Distric t walk. This is one of a series of charriiddeee walking events taking place over the summer during which you can join in and raise lots of spondoolies for various handy charities.

And the first of these takes place on 28 April 2013 around Edale in the Peak District.

There’s three walks available – a short 5 miler suitable for sprogs and people who can’t walk very far, a medium distance 14 miler and a huge 25 miler for idiots.

There’s a wide range of charities that will benefit for this event including:

The Jane Tomlinson Appeal

Bluebell Wood childrens’hospice

Breast cancer campaign

Diabetes UK

Edale MRT

Heart research UK

McMillan cancer Support


Sheffield Hospitals

Yorkshire Cancer Research

Entry costs between £9.20 and £21.20 depending on which walk you register for.

See the website here:

I’m hoping to join the Lake District event later in the year

In the meantime, I’m off to Abergavenny.




  1. Hope you have a good and successful time. Don't get snowed in.

  2. 'ere, pieblog. that's not jane tomlinson. that's me doing a silly walk, when we did our silly walk.

  3. I had the great pleasure of meeting Jane Tomlinson and family at a B&B in the western Yorkshire Dales several years back. She was doing a charity cycle ride to raise money for cancer charities. Of course I didn't really know who she was at the time - her fame had yet to blossom - but it was clear she was an extremely determined lady and a very special person.


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