Tuesday 26 March 2013

Disrupted – and now cancelled

pw forest to cauldron reccy 005 

I’m aware that lots of peeps who come on Durham County Council walks read the pieblog – so if you’re intending to come on the walk on Sunday from  Cow Green with a little scramble up by Cauldron Snout (or even Cronkley Spout!) please don’t try to drive to Cow Green because the road is under lots of snow and the walk is cancelled.

Walkers who are intent on having a guided scramble up by the Spout should note that there’ll be another opportunity to join the Pieman on 1 September on a walk from Hanging Shaw. It seems possible that most of the snow will have melted by then. If it hasn’t , then we’re in trouble……

So – basic message: Durham county Council walk Harwood and a Cauldron Snout Scramble on Sunday 31 March 2013 is CANCELLED.  Don’t come. Nobody will be there……

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