Saturday 2 March 2013

A Bit of Canine Trauma

bruno and tammy

Up until five o’clock tea time yesterday, there were two dogs at knipetowers. Now, unfortunately, there’s only one. The old veteran matriarch, Tammy had to be put to sleep and that was the end of that.

She’d been definable as “geriatric” for about two years and, gradually and bit by it, she lost most of her hearing and eyesight and, eventually, her bearings, and would stand in one place, indecisive until encouraged in a particular direction.

So, at tea time today, when superdawg had his daily scoff, the same rituals took place. These rituals were instigated some eleven or so years ago to prevent conflict between the two pooches at teatime. Bruno – driven almost entirely by the search for food, more food, snacks and steals, would push his way into Tammy’s dish and receive a severe and noisy punishment from the old dog. After a short while, it seemed that Tammy was eating deliberately slowly in order to ambush the pup and have yet another opportunity to put him in his place. The strategy we adopted was to throw a handful of doggiebix down the hallway for Bruno to hunt and catch – thus distracting him from Tammy’s dish, and, in turn, foiling Tammy’s evil machinations.

After a turn around the back yard, Bruno would check Tammy’s now empty dish.

Now Tammy has gone, but Bruno still has the same routine – biccies down the hallway, back yard, check Tammy’s dish. I suppose he’ll always do that.

The next Knipe pooch will arrive whenever it becomes time to retire Bruno from the hills. He seems to have a lot of energy still in him, though. He’s a little bit slower and his attempts at big stiles sometimes fail, but he’s got a fair amount of time to go, I think.

Ah, well, never mind. Poor Tammy.


  1. So sorry to hear your sad news Mike

  2. Its a Bugger when they toddle off. Xxx Fantastic adventures had however and much love.

  3. Really sorry to hear about Tammy, Mike. Bruno will no doubt miss her on some doggy level for some time. Dixie was nearly a case for doggy anti-depressants after our old Border Collie died. Thinking about you all x

  4. Poor Tammy. I bet she had a brilliant life. Sad to lose an old friend.

    See you soon, looking forward to meeting you.

  5. Tammy was a funny old girl. She will be missed.

  6. Dhuhh - Pathetic attempt by "Bed and Breakfast in Killarney" to spam the blog. Stupid Micks.

  7. Always a sad time.

    Lesson for you here - don't become indecisive!

  8. I'm sorry to hear about Tammy, Mike. I wonder if Bruno will notice that the doggybix trick isn't really required anymore? Or has he already got it all sussed but likes the extra snack?

  9. A paws for contemplative thought.

    Sorry to hear this, fella. Give Bruno and extra biscuit and scratch his head.

  10. Sorry to hear that, Mike. I hope Bruno has many years left of foraging in the lunch boxes of your unwary companions....

  11. Truly sorry Mike :( They are such great companions which makes it even harder when they have to go. My thoughts are with you.

  12. So sorry to hear about Tammy, Mike. Hope you all recover from the loss soon :-( xxx


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