Friday 1 February 2013

Bi-Annual Checkup For Path 49 and its Friend's

path49 feb 002
Since today was the First of February (white rabbits, pinch punch etc etc) It was time to have a walk around some of the paths which circle Crook to see if they’re all healthy. There were a few problems in the past – a blocked path, a lunatic farmer, old marker posts, missing footpath signs etc. but today I found nothing really worth reporting. There’s a bit of gorse blocking one path but I might just go and attack this with some garden shears, and a horse has eaten part of a marker post, but apart from that and a bit of mud, the paths are all right.  So here’s a few pictures wot I took. The route is six and a half miles….. Pre-lunch rambling….
path49 feb 001
It’s been windy.
path49 feb 004
Ash trees and a strangely bright sky. ‘Bit worrying, the sky….?
path49 feb 005
Bruno finds the very last bit of snow to dig up/eat
path49 feb 006
A horse ate the marker post. (horse in background) (dog in middle foreground)


  1. I'm not going to mention the apostrophe!

    See - I didn't say a word.....

  2. Which one of them naughty horse's is the offender? I think we should be told!

  3. I don't know what you mean, Laura. [koff]

  4. Its the spitting clothes pegs, Al.

  5. I have never quite thought of signposts as things that horses eat, or of horses as things that ate signposts...

  6. I was out today and the sky was bright, but bloody amazing. Great day for the cloud appreciation society.

  7. There's more to this than meet's the eye, Chrissie - somebody keeps editing the post title...

    Inthirdposition - They eat the stiles and fences too! Probably boredom....

    Keith - I know - I was on the moors near Mickle fell. Beautiful day. Might do a blog post...


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