Saturday 3 March 2012

There May be Trouble Ahead (reprise)

aap crook 004

Some of you may remember that around Christmas time, I did one of those adopt-a-path walks and discovered various stiles in a state of dereliction and one barricaded up with barbed wire…

Well…. the other day I got an email from Nick in the Rights of Way section at County Hall to tell me that various stiles around Crook had been repaired and that other paths I’d reported had work in hand or where priority was lower, or they weren’t around Crook etc etc…

aap crook 001

So today, being at a loose end, and the fact that it had stopped raining and the sun had come out and that Bruno needed a long walk, I went for a look at some of the Crook/Stanley Crook paths and discovered these before-and-after situations on the pics below.

I’m a bit chuffed about this, to be honest.

aap jan crook 007 aap crook 002

aap jan crook 009 aap crook 005

aap jan crook 012 aap crook 006

I’ll be back for another look at these particular paths in July.


  1. Your Rights of Way / Footpaths officer seems a lot more effective and pro-active than the one we have here in Trafford.


  2. You should be chuffed. You're making my life easier too. Thank you.

  3. Excellent! I've noticed some really dodgy stiles in Crook, especially around the old racing yard (and lets not talk about the footpaths that got swallowed up by the coal mine). I will have to start carrying a notepad and marking them down.

  4. Good man.
    Barbed wire: The spawn of Satan.

  5. Just goes to show what can happen if you give it a chance!

    Of course we all know we shouldn't have to do this, but life isn't always that straightforward. RoW teams do respond - it might not be soon, and it might not be a top priority case. But if they don't know about a problem, they'll struggle to sort it ....

    I'd be chuffed, too!

  6. Nice one Mike. I reported some issues in the Roaches area a while back. Still nothing has happened. ROW blocked and even one where a makeshift and poorly spelt sign has been put up saying "Private, no right of way".

  7. Thanks each all I did was report the things - some of those stiles have been falling to bits for a while, but it seems that the landowner has had representations from the Council and has done his bit
    - I thought you'd appreciate the barbed wire, Alan.
    Yasmin The paths in the coalmine should go back, plus some extra woodlands and new paths. We'll be keeping an eye on 'em, though..
    Terry - Nagging works. (Except in Northumberland)


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