Friday 16 March 2012

TGO Challenge Route May 2012

Despite the fact that I did promise never to mention my 2012 TGO Challenge, here’s a map of my route. It’s pretty straight, which is a surprise.

It has loads of fun and frolics, though.

tgo2012 route

Apart from booking trains, I have done no other planning for this. I should get on with it, really….

I should add that this walk will be an attempt. I’ll do me best. I can be fairly determined, though…..

laundry and laundry rock

Here’s a picture of the Burma Road Laundry.


  1. Blimey, that's not giving much away Mike. I do know Scotland vaguely, but I need more detail!

  2. Looks a good route, I can roughly see your direction of travel. You will make it just fine.

  3. Did you have something else to wear while the underwear was drying?

  4. Is that the handrail route then Mike!

  5. Don't want to give too much away, Louise - damned paparazzi...
    It's not over till the fat hiker sings, Dawn (Tiptoe through the tussocks.. dum de dum..)
    Chrissie - Other underwear was available, although there was nobody else for mile and miles.... anyway, who says it was my underwear...
    Andrew - Handrailing. It's the only way. Other than following somebody else...

  6. Thought it was only my old neighbours that aired their laundry in public! All the best Mike!

  7. It's very easy to put off organising till the last minute. I must start thinking about my long hike, just got the date so far, and a vague route. Good luck with your trip.

  8. You don't want to start there sir, oh no.

    The other bits look interesting - we'll prolly meet up en-route.



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