Monday 19 March 2012

Drumaldrace and Dodd Fell

is it a bird, is it a plane?

Right – Let’s have no more of this nonsense about pet dogs writing blog posts. Bruno has never mastered the keyboard and in any case, he just drools over internet pictures of beef and lamb all night. Gives him an appetite, apparently.


So the other thing that happened last weekend was that I met the nephew in a sunny car park in Hawes and, together with the literary canine we plodded off up past the cheese factory and through Gayle and up the hill to Drumaldrace, passing my camping spot behind the wall which I used during last summer’s trundle down the Pennines sans any navigational stuff. It was a quite fabulous early spring day with a perishing wind, but bright and warm sunshine and lambs gambling in the fields. One of them bet that Bruno couldn’t write a sensible sentence and another wagered that the bloke with the white beard was even worse.


snaizehole with hang gliders

We progressed along the roman road to Kidhow gate, pausing only briefly for a chicken butty and a banana (thats what I had anyway…) and then, beneath the floating hang gliders, gently drifting about and the eeejit off-road bikers buzzing up the Pennine Way, and the convoy of off-road vehicles containing people even fatter than me, plus the skylarks, curlew, oyster catchers and golden plover and the occasional jet flying over, I was struck by the sense of wilderness and bloody PEACEFUL fecking Yorkshire dales. Look, I mean, is it me? Can’t things just be quiet for a minute?  You’re disturbing the frogs….just calm down a bit, guys….


Anyway, we got to the top after a short campaign of tussock trundling. The view was enormous and famiss hills such as Pendle and Scafell Pike and Great Gable and Wild Boar fell and some unidentifiable North Pennines could be made out very clearly. And Morecambe Bay AND the North Yorkshire Moors, so very nearly a sea-to-sea vista. Not that anybody in a land rover full of obesity with a winch on the front, or the sinister masked riders of the two wheeled lawnmowers buzzing off towards Settle would have seen any of this cos they wuz bouncing up and down too much. I hope that most of their fillings dropped out. I expect that some of them were playing Led Zeppelin on their CD players. At least that would drown out the noisy birdlife.

But the hang-gliders… Bless ‘em. Silent and graceful and, probably, a bit cold…. Not even a cough or a harrumph, or a shout of joy or even a  giggle as they floated over the lovers entwined in the juncus two hundred feet below….

tunstall and dodd fell 020

the nephew, the pooch and the wild boar fell

The walk down back down to Hawes was less noisy.

We did 13 miles altogether. Its a good walk. Its probably better on a Tuesday when all the petrolheads are at work or in the queue at the job centre or something.

Nice to see the nephew again, though. We chewed a fair amount of fat – and not the sort that my cardiac nurse needs to worry about. We’ll be doing something similar once again fairly soon.



  1. Yeah petrol heads annoy the bejesus out of me - I think the gov needs to work out a new tax for these type of folks! Double environmental damage tax and double thr road tax.

    Do you have a map of your route???

    Appears you caught the views on a bloody good day!

  2. I wonder how many petrol heads in Hawes on Saturday knew that they were riding two wheeled lawnmowers. Still laughing......... Tracey

  3. Eeek - I've finally got the hint about maps - you're not the first to point this out. I'll do a map very soon, along with another one. It'll be a map blogpost.
    Tracy - They're so unreasonably whiney. I can't think of a more irritating noise, other than, perhaps a spotty person doing rap in a squeaky voice with his school shirt collar turned up and a bum fluffy chin.

  4. Nice one Mike, fantastic photos. It looks lovely in the spring sunshine.

  5. Some cracking pics Mike. What a superb sunny day. I must look out for one of those.

  6. I have to admit I do love it round there - lots of childhood holiday memories.
    You do have to go a bit further north though to get that truly quiet and peadeful feeling!

  7. It's a shame that Bruno isn't allowed his own blog.........or maybe that should be dlog.....

  8. Nice and warm but perishing when the sun went in, Dawn. I noticed a slight tan...
    Alan - Superb sunny days finish this week. Best get out....
    Noisy Sundays, Chrissie. Normally, its a bit quieter, except for the lapwings, curlew, plover...

  9. I dunno, Laura - a blog about sticks and poo would get a bit repetetive... Bruno has no other interests (apart from food and chasing things) since his run-in with that vet as a pup. (ouch...)

  10. Can’t get out at the minute Mike, I’m going in doc tomorrow. I just hope they don’t find too much wrong or i might not be sitting down for a week or two.


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