Tuesday 14 February 2012

Pieblog Milestone and Adopt-a-path stuff

fp49 feb 002

When I looked at the pieblog stats this morning, I managed to catch it as it had just counted 100,000 page views. I was quite chuffed with this, so I celebrated with two cups of coffee and some beta blockers and aspirin.  ‘Course, if you were to look at the stats in Blogger, there’d be a lot more than 100, 000 but many of these page views are Russian spam pageviews, so that source is unreliable – and the stats on statcounter don’t include RSS feeds and other things, so, really, I have no idea how many page views the blog has had. But seeing 100,000 is like watching all the zeroes come up on your car mileometer, just before you knock down the lollipop lady and all those children…

old tramway

sheep (swaledales)

fp sign having a lie down

After this I did my adopt-a-path thing on Path 49 in the parish of Crook and Willington . This tour is seven miles and includes path 51 (No sign at the place it leaves the public road),  Path 167 (muddy) Path 56 (OK) Path 176 (waymark pointing the wrong way) , path 108 (OK) Path 106(OK) and path 34 (waymarker post fallen over). I’ve told the council, obviously; I mean, otherwise, what’s the point, really…?

After this we celebrated with more coffee and a snooze. Superdawg came too…


  1. Sheep can adopt a belligerent stance sometimes as the picture shows. One small terrier and they scatter like crows. I don't expect the Council to do anything much about your observations.

    They are civil servants after all.

  2. Congratulations Sir.

    Are you allowed just the occasional pie? As a celebration? How about just a little pie. Beer could wash the saturated fats through the system.

  3. A well deserved blog milestone Mike.

  4. Same happens with crows, Peter - one small dog and they're all over the place. Your small terrier is a whirlwind of evil, though, according to Bruno.
    Healthy pies and beer only, Mr Sloman. I'm working my way through several brands trying to identify suitable ones. Nom nom, as they say... I think a pork and beta blocker with gravy would be nice.
    Alan - Ta. Its all very inaccurate, though. I prolly passed this milestone twelve months ago.

  5. I wouldn't take Bruno's word on everything, Mike. He thinks a lot of strange things.

    Millie is devastated by Bruno's remarks and is inconsolable.

    Have the Council fixed that bridge you mentioned a few months back ?

    Well done on the blog stats, dude.

  6. Bruno often upsets other dogs with his thoughtless remarks. I can only apologise on his behalf. To his shame, he just doesn't care, really. The rat.
    I've not been back to the bridge for a look.... then there's that barbed wire....
    Mustapha Look

  7. Well done on your stats Mike. It may be the case that I could upset your carefully thought out diet plan. Mind, it may be the incentive to put a few more miles in?? Nice pictures by the way. The sheep are looking hopeful of a feed maybe?

  8. Does this involve orange flavoured chocolate drops, Dawn...?

  9. Well, you see, it was like this; I was running up a wee stuff sack on the sewing machine. Only one snag, this wee bag was a little larger than a wee bag. Maybe a sort of wee bag, a weeish wee bag.A wee few orange chocolate drops where added and then a few other bits. A wee few, you understand? Oh and a very wee stuff sack. However, that is another story.

  10. I almost understand, Dawn - I expect that all will become clear in due course.... it sounds a bit like mission creep...

  11. Congrats on the stats, Mike!

    It's nice to hit a landmark every now and again, regardless of whether it is a major achievement or just a little one that gives you a warm glow (achievement, that is!).

    As for the totals, you seem to be getting in a week what I get in a month! I guess quality will out .... ;-)

  12. Jules - I have to own up to say that the weekly numbers on the pic were infalted a bit this week due to a mention on the Hiking in Finland weekly roundup - which has a massive following. So there's a lot of Swedes and Latvians in those numbers this week. Probably 20% inflation there...


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