Friday 13 January 2012

Sunny Walk to the Border

traversing middlehope moor

Finally, after what seems months of wet and windy, warm and muddy, and, frankly, ‘orrible non-winter weather , we get a pristine day of blue skies, bright sunshine and frozen ground.

Today was the day for doing the walk that me and Louise did (along with Bruno and Rosie) last week – the one where I broke me specs… you remember….  I had an egg butty…

middlehope moor 004

Anyway, there were nineteen people on the walk including me and the two stewards Ray and Richard and a bunch of other, off-duty rangers who have appeared in the pieblog on previous occasions.

This time, the bogs that we’d squelched over were mainly, though not entirely frozen and the mud of the riverside paths and fields had dried out a bit and/or frozen. And we took the lunch stop in a sheltered lane, and, the sun was actually quite warm. And there was an over-enthusiastic skylark singing. How good is that?

decending to ireshopeburn

And, this time I managed a few pictures although if I’d been by myself I’d have taken more.

We had a good day, although we completed the route a bit quicker than I’d planned.

beside the river wear

I’m hoping this weather sticks around for a while. If the winter finishes like this it will be just perfect and I have plans. I always have plans. You need to have plans. Just a tip for anybody who doesn’t have any plans – Make Some Plans.  Do it tomorrow after you’ve cut your toenails and been to B&Q. Gwan!


shivery walk



  1. not suprised I was tired after that walk!

  2. Looks great! I also had a good sunny walk yesterday Mike. Went up Cairn Table (above Muirkirn, Ayrshire) and then some bog-trotting & heather-bashing traing for the Challenge - a good work-out!

  3. Bruno wasn't too happy about being left behind, Louise. I left him staring at the drawer which has his harness and lead in it...
    David - I went up Cairn Table on a pre-TGO backpacking thingy a couple of years ago. It were right windy! Its a great area... very quiet!

  4. If we get weather as good as that Mike it will be fantastic.Poor Bruno! Boss away walkies and him left behind.


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