Sunday 4 December 2011

Advent Intermission

Well, against all good advice and terrible weather forecasts, I'm just about to go off on a four(ish) day backpacking trip, up the North Pennines, which, according to best reports are a bit on the snowy side just now. As long as it's not too windy.....
As it's advent, I thought that this little bit of modern rock/christianity/paganism would entertain....


  1. Have a great time - take woolly undies!

  2. Have you seen the weather out there? No - It's dark outside for 25 of Her Madge's 24 hours. It'll be snowing as well. Possibly rain mixed in.

    Have a great time.
    Will there be pubs?

  3. Never mind woolly undies take Kylie and a Black Leather Tent !
    have a Gud Un - from the Bear

  4. I believe you don’t get wet inside a pub. Hope it all goes well.

  5. Thansk each ... see the next blog post thingy.....


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