Friday 18 November 2011

TGO Challenge – It All Starts Again

on the loch ness ferry being chased by ducks

I’ve just seen my name on the TGO Challenge website list of challengers for the 2012 TGO.

If I manage to complete it, this will be my eleventh TGO Challenge. 

I can now start the planning proper. I have a starting point (which I’m going to keep to myself for a while) and a finish point – which will probably be Aberdeen docks – and I have some bits in the middle and some gaps to fill in. This will exercise my slowly degenerating mental abilities over the next few weeks.

day 7 carn dearg

The there’s the Annual gathering at the Snake Pass. The Over the Hill club have arranged a meeting which coincides with the date – 9 to 11 March next year. I think this happened on previous years. And I have a Durham County Council walk at Baldersdale on the Friday – so there’s a bit of congestion. I’ll be off to the Snake, though, probably on the Friday night.

So, its all very exciting again.


I know that several bloggers who are being followed by this blog are also on the Challenge next year, so its likely that if I keep banging on about it, Pieblog readers will have had their fill of the damn thing by next May, so after this, unless something significant happens, I won’t be mentioning it again till next March at least.

I expect that this will come as a bit of a relief to non-TGO Challenge fans.



  1. Good luck - from March onwards, obviously. ;-)

  2. Sooo exciting!
    I'm beside myself.
    I can't promise to keep quiet about it.

  3. Fantastic Mike, go for it.

  4. No doubt I'll see you before May then ;)

  5. Good one, Mike!

    Hopefully, see you at the Snake Pass.

  6. Look forward to sharing a pie with you!

  7. I see that there's quite a few of the regulars not on the list so far. I wonder if they are on the standby list. if the list of those successful in the draw is public, I wonder why the standby list isn't?

  8. But Mike, what about the World's Highest Pubs? Maybe they could be part of your training regime.
    I'll see you at the Snake, then somewhere in the Highlands in May.

  9. Looks like I'll probably see some of you at the Snake (should this be one of the pubs on the hardest pub crawl...?)
    Thanks to each who said good luck etc...
    Louise - Is that you beside yourself? weeeee.... indeed.....
    Alan - I'd not noticed the confidentiality of the standby list till you mentioned it. Is this some kind of conspiracy? We should set up a website and have a sit in at the Mason's..
    Judith - I only have two weeks. I'd have to go by plane. The Border Force might not let me back in... oh yes, maybe they would,....


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