Saturday 17 September 2011

Competition Time

This is a reminder to all would-be writists to write a blog post of up to 1000 words , possibly with some pretty pictures in order to win this fantastic rucksack.


This fab bit of kit is a Gelert Nimbus 35 litre rucksack and is supplied by Outdoor Look  - See more outdoor clothing and all kinds of gear at


Your blog post can be about anything at all linked to the outdoors. Have a rant. Pontificate about something… Tell us about your latest adventure in the hills….  Whatever you want.

As I seem to be on holiday at the original closing date (there’s planning for you…) _ I’ve extended the cut-off for entries to 20 October 2011.

Get writing - Its nearly Christmas…..


  1. IMO the virtual fig roll remains the most prestigious award available to bloggers....*sniff*

  2. ..and virtually nice it was too, Owdbum.


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'