Friday 1 July 2011

Wolsingham Weardale Walk – Elephant Trees No More


We had a fair day for the Weardale walk that appeared in a blog post a week or so ago. Along with the stewards – Doug, Dave and Richard, we had 16 walkers, half of whom, it would appear, are also DVCRS rangers on a jolly. (A picture of one of them, Neville, appears at the top of this post)

We had a good walk, it failed to rain and nobody died, although a grouse chick maybe came a bit close… In fact, people seemed to be in fairly high spirits most of the time, so I think they enjoyed it.

fine gill lunchstop


So we went up the heavingly steep hill to Chatterley Farm, along to the Efelent Trees, down to Fine Gill for lunch with the hungry midgies, further down to Bollihope for a nice ramble to Harehope Mine and a look at the orchids, cowboy pass,  chickens, mine shop, Frosterley Marble and Harehope Quarry, eventually, back to Wolsingham. 11 miles altogether.

It was fun. I’d do it again.elephant trees detail

So that’s it for the Elephant Trees for a while. I’ve five more rangering reccy and adopt-a-path walks to do in the next few days, around Crook, Weardale and Baldersdale. And then there’s the wet thing, of course…….

No more Elephant Trees for a while, though – phew….



  1. Ey up!
    Bit of a sensationalist title old chap. I thought you were going to tell me that the elefant trees had been chopped down. I was bereft. Even though I don't think I've ever seen them 'in the flesh', they feel like old friends.
    Looks like a top walk by the way.

  2. Peter Crawford2 July 2011 at 22:17

    The very dark and very wet thing is soon to be revealed I hope. The suspense is killing me or my suspenders are killing me. One of the two.
    Tell, tell, stout yeoman....

  3. The Flent trees are still there, although, their looking a bit old and fragged, Mark. Bit like me, really, except they don;t have the expensive beer belly...
    It involves wearing a tight rubber suit, Peter. Maybe not absolutely necessary, but fun anyway.
    Not long now....


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