Sunday 27 February 2011

Its not fair

More walkies coming soon...

In the meantime, here's a little something for all those readers who always arrive early and/or are obsessed by their own impotence


  1. Bet she’s fun to go camping with. And i want one of those jackets the presenter wore.

  2. Berghaus or North face could do the jackets. They'd need lightweight, breathable sequins...
    I suspect that if you called this las "preddy lady" to her face, you'd be in trouble...
    She's gorras lorra talent, though, in my 'umble....

  3. aaah. Gone are the days when a young girl was quite happy with a box of Dairy Milk and a bunch of flowers.I blame that Germaine Greer!

  4. Having brought down society as we knew it, Ms Greer recanted years later. Harrumph!

  5. Didn't Ms Greer invent germoline or something?


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