Thursday 17 February 2011

Badger Way and Other Trade Routes

arkengarthdale and superdawg
Bruno had been hinting that a longish walk would be just the thing by staring at me accusingly for half an hour or so at a time and loading my lap with doggy toys..
And so, after putting it off for a while due to inclemency in the weather department, Wednesday was to be bright and sunny, so we set off to a very small car park near the summit of The Stang – a road from Barnard Castle to Reeth.
badger way
We didn’t particularly enjoy the clear-felled forest (save our forests!), but we did enjoy the wide open spaces and bounding bridleways of Barningham Moor – one of which, of course, is the Badger way (nowt to do with black and white badgers – but more to do with itinerant tradesmen wearing a badge to avoid arrest as a vagrant and subsequent deportation to the home parish) Thus, the badgers , or tinkers, had routes across the moors to service the needs of the lead-mining population of Arkengarthdale and Swaledale and/or to transport minerals to railheads.
holgate farm
This makes for fab, wide-open, joyous and fairly quick rambling with a purpose. Not the kind of place to have an attack of agorophobia, and just the kind of place that RAF pilots like to hurtle over just before they receive their redundancy notices.
trainee raf pilots
There was a skylark singing up high in the sunshine. And a lapwing was jinking about and calling. And a plover, bored as ever. It felt like spring. Despite the bright white of fresh snow on the high Pennines of Mickle fell, it felt like spring. We know it isn’t , though, eh?
saint andrew's cross
Basically, we just followed bridleway in a big 14 mile circle. It was sunny and it was warm and this is exactly the kind of walking that walkers wish for.
fremington edge
There seems to be a surfeit of baby rabbits by the way. They’re all over the place. Bruno hunted unsuccessfully due, mainly to being on a lead.
14 Miles and 1800 feet of up.
badger way


  1. So you dangled a baby rabbit on a stick in front of Bruno and got pulled round ! you're cruel to that Dawg.

  2. Funnily i was only looking at the map of this area yesterday but that was as far as it got.
    It was a lovely day though and i went on a local walk. Cannot post it yet as i have run out of room on google account to post the pics. Just paid some money for more storage but have to wait 24yrs to activate. Doh.
    Not sure that i want all forests to stay, some of the ugly man made, dark, lifeless, stagnant, boggy ones to stay as long as the forestry put things right afterwards.

  3. I can't believe you walked round "Booze Moor" and avoided visiting the pub!...

  4. I released the rabbit later, Dan. Poor fluffy. Just not quick enough...
    And posts from two Alans. Using your powers of deduction, you have to decide which Alan I'm talking to in each answer.
    Alan - I pics of the forest in a very poor state of having been severely roughed up by lumberjacks. I was a bit upset by the government u-turn, but I'll use them one day....
    Alan - Its one of those ironic Anglo-Saxon place names. There is, sadly, no booze to be had, the nearest being the CB Inn, who's car park is visible from part of the route. Re-ascent would be too much for my little legs, though...

  5. We once did a walk you and I, having the incorrect co-ordinates for the meeting point it turned out to be a very short walk.

  6. Hello Keith - I think that was when I was a gren guide.... Was it somewhere around Hannah's Meadow/Baldersdale?

    (Must go back there in June...)


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