Saturday 22 January 2011

I’ve Been Got by Facebook


Some time ago, I seem to have somehow acquired a Facebook account. I don’t recollect how this happened, but it did. And then, for a long time, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, on the tail of an atlantic storm, a message arrived in my email saying that Philip Werner wanted to be my friend.

Philip may well have bought me a beer in Montrose last may, which does seem like a friendly thing to do, so, I thought – why not….?

The I looked on facebook and did nothing else much for a couple of weeks.

Then, a bit later, I edited my profile a bit and there were all these messages about people who knew Philip Werner – some of whom I knew – and, well, one thing lead to another, and suddenly, I’ve asked all these people to be my friend (I’m normally fairly shy… no, really…) and people who knew the people whom I asked, and there were messages and pictures – a nice one from Ron Reynolds for instance… and I need to get away to make the tea…… 

A message to anybody who has sent me a message or commented on a picture – I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. Apologies if you don’t get a reply straight away, or you get a reply which doesn’t male sense. it won’t make sense because its for somebody else.

Tea time now, anyway….

The picture is irrelevant by the way – I just liked it…



  1. I dont do Facebook. Wont start either. Have fun playing Mafia wars or whatever they do on their. I expect you will find going for a walk more fun.

  2. I keep getting emails saying someone has sent me a message on facebook. I remember getting half way through the registration process, quite a long time ago, and aborting because I changed my mind and didn't want to get involved.

    So somewhere in the bowels of their computer system there is bits of me floating around. These people who send me messages must think I am ignorant, because I will not log on to reply. I don't want to be on bludy facebook, someone please tell them.

  3. Dear oh Dear oh Dear.
    Farcebook eh.
    I’d go and have a look but i darn’t. Sheila would take the P out of me. Maybe i could look when she’s asleep.
    Is it worth the risk i ask myself.

  4. You'll be tweeting like a burd, next, mark my words...

    Word = "hensesu" (and says who?)

  5. The picture is irrelevant by the way – I just liked it…
    Is the picture by Gustave Doré from Dantes Inferno ?
    cheers Danny

  6. Hmm - some mixed views, there. I didn't expect the polarising effect of facebook.
    Don't worry, I can hack it. I could give it up anytime.
    I think the pic is in some Nenthead hole or other by the way, Dan.
    I will never tweet, I will never tweet. or twitter....

  7. Facebook is evil. Get out while you still can!

  8. Hahaha.... Do you want some FB lessons dad?

  9. Tweeting is good Alan. Facebook is not. Take Tonys advice Mike. Run!

  10. Facebook strikes me as being rather insidious for my liking - I'll keep away.

    Like Ilona I once started the sign-up process but thought better of it halfway through.

    Word: notans.

    That's about right.


  11. Keep away from it, JJ, whatever you do, it could be a nightmare, or , at best a bad dream involving involuntary consumption of insects......although, apart from sucking up lots of time, so far all my "friends" have been friends or family. I have'nt found the sinister thing yet...

    Lessons would be good, Rachel

  12. Your picture is "Shining light of the evils of the underground unknown". I'm on Facebook although I sometimes don't know why as maybe only 10 out of 80 are interested in what I am up to. I know of some who spend hours nosing into other peoples business and comments that doesn't concern them ... so I don't write on it that often.... It keeps me up to date with what workmates don't tell me in real life.

  13. I thought it was just "pointing at something but I can't remember what it was", J...
    I have a flood of emails, apparnetly - must have a look... I suppose this is what happens.

  14. Ooh, this is very worrying. You're not going to abandon Northern Pies, are you, Mike? Facebook is EVIL and must be eschewed by all right-minded people. (I shall be ignoring your very kind offer to be your friend, No offence!)

  15. Judith
    Judith Judith Judith (sigh)
    I wil be keeping up with Northern (and very fatty ) Pies for my main communications with the world, so no worries there...
    But you have a facebook account yourself..
    How can this be so evil?

  16. Hi Mike. I'm glad to hear you'll still be blogging. Yes, I do have an FB account and have just found where I scribbled the password when I created the account yonks ago. I was young and curious and wanted to see what the fuss was about.... but have never used it and have no Friends. I know lots of people love it, but it's not my kinda thing.

  17. Ah well, Judith - you may join the "facebook is evil " club - and it may well prove to be so. (I've already deleted a couple of facebook "friend" gobshites as it happens.)
    It seems a bit random at the mo.... I'm not really sure whats happenign... I must keel the infeedels....


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'