Wednesday 8 December 2010

Crook Around the Compass – South

near point 5 crrok south
And Lo! (Note the Christmas theme by the way) – Lo! The Angel of the North came down in a wakening light and saith “Go Forth and do Crook South and take thy dog cos he’s ripping yer socks up and needs a walk”. And so, it came to pass that I went forth and did Crook Around the Compass – South. Just “West” to do, then there’s three more at Howden le Wear.
crook south cows
This is a three and a half mile walk. I did four, because I walked to the start. 
Its a good walk, although I did get a bit lost at one point after following the footprints of local dog walkers instead of the right of way, but I soon relocated myself again.
broken fence
At one point, a local farmer has built a fence across the path, but the local League Against Building Fences Across Our Dog Walks (Labfoudw), have wrecked the fence.  Direct action, that is…
Somebody I met recognised Bruno from the Pie Blog and we had a bit of a chat about the local paths.
bruno bouncing around
The route is good but the description is a bit awkward in places and really needs the attention of somebody skilled in writing route descriptions. It would seem that most of the paths are very well used by locals. I’ve reported my findings to the County Council access and rights of way peeps.
Nice day for it, though…… Bruno enjoyed bouncing around.
More later…
crook south


  1. If farmers erect barbed wire fences across public footpaths they should be name and shamed.

    No! They should be stuck in the stocks in just their pants and pelted with snowballs until their wotsits freeze.

    So then - no mention of hostelries on this little jaunt? Seems a big hill to clamber up too..

  2. Quite so, Alan, but why let them keep their pants?. The hill's not too bad - only 300 feet of uphill on this walk - I think there was 450 on the previous one.
    Sorry about the lack of a pub guide - but note that the walk starts and ends in Crook market Place which has immediate access at least one boozah and there are more nearby, plus the Crook Boozerama, a renowned establishment providing jinkies for expeditions the world over. Well, Megget Stone anyway....


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