Tuesday 26 October 2010

What Next?


This morning was one of those mornings where you’re pleased to be able to avoid going out on the A68 and driving to Darlington, which is what I used to do. It was dark and wet and windy and, frankly, ‘orrible.

For some reason, this type of driech autumn morning is traditionally the time when I start to plan whatever it is I’m going to be doing, in terms of hillwalking, over the next twelve months. It is, in fact, the end of my walking year.

The new one will begin shortly.

Not-really-coincidentally, I have also just finished a little project to bag all of the Yorkshire Dales 2000 foot tops. Spookily enough, this took about twelve months.

The question is: whatever next?

border walk 049

These are the things done so far:

Twelve months in the Howgills (Appears in Doodlecat)

Hadrian’s Wall in Day walks.

Yorkshire Dales 2000 foot tops.

I also did a couple of TGO challenges, the Peebles-Moffat thing (unfinished business), a walk along the English/Scottish border (more unfinished business) and a walk across Cumbria.

settle to carlisle

I’ve also done walks along the Settle-Carlisle railway line, from Dent to Garsdale and from Garsdale to Kirkby Stephen and I’m considering doing day walks along the whole length of the railway line, thus providing a long distance route, or a bunch of day walks where the train can be used to get to the start and home again.

And I have 48 Hewitts to do, so another couple of trips to Wales and a trip to Dartmoor will be on the list next year.

ben alder cottage

I’ve not applied for the TGO Challenge, but instead, I’ve offered myself as a slave or gopher to the ladies at Tarfside. I’m considering a couple of static camps around Ben Alder for the bagging of various Munros during week one of the TGO and, just before or just after Tarfside, I may be able to bag a few Angus Glens Marilyns. I may consider setting up Mike’s cafe in the akto somewhere up the Uisge Labhair doing specialty tea’s and biscuit’s for Challenger’s. (Note the catering apostrophes) There may be other liquids involved, who knows….

gregareth or somewhere

Lonewalker has suggested the Yorkshire Dales National park trig points. I’ve visited most of these already, but I may visit the ones I haven’t been to…

Then there’s Moffat to Peebles to do, and, maybe a backpack in the Black Mountains..

So, that’s the kind of thinking so far – but I’m open to ideas for some kind of series of walkies like the YD2000 thing, or a long backpack.




  1. Food for thought! I like the Cafe Akto idea....
    On a selfish note I hope another return match for Peebles-Moffat is on the cards - 3rd time lucky!

  2. What Next?

    How about the North Sea Trail - http://www.northseatrail.org/index.php/en/maps - for starters?

    I suspect that you'd have to do it in bits, but if you did it in one go I'd be seriously impressed :-)

  3. Sorry, can't help you, I don't know enough about all the walks you mentioned.

    My walking has slowed up a bit now, looking out of the window it is piddling it down, not very inviting. I have booked a week at London Central Youth Hostel for the middle of November, so my walking will be city based for a few months. At least I can dodge the rain and walk around the galleries and museums free of charge. I'm not bothered where I walk as long as I can get out of these four walls.

  4. Mike,
    You have not mentioned anything about the borders?

  5. Just had a look at BG! suggestion due to the fact that i hadn’t heard of it before.
    Holy J thats some walk. I too would be impressed if you did it in less than one go.
    But how good is it. Nice one BG!

  6. I like the sound of the Uisge Labhair, as , should we get in there is a fair old chance of passing that way enroute to Ben Alder Cottage. A nice cup of tea would be very welcome. If it is raining we will of course turf you out of the tent.

  7. Laura/Alan - I think cafe akto is a definite. Specialty teas wil include tea with grass, tea with spider, tea with midge and tea with bits of grit.
    BG!/Alan This North Sea thingy has damn great holes in it. Its not complete! I might do the Northumberland bit... More Borders stuff coming imminently by the way.
    Llona - Have a cracking time in London. Me and the dawg don't walk very quickly by the way (the dog does, I dont)But we're "steady"

  8. This North Sea thingy has damn great holes in it.

    I thought you liked investigating holes when you're strolling the landscape, Mike.

    Maybe you'll have to learn to walk on water instead of through it :-)

  9. Maybe I'll just wait till it's finished, BG

  10. Just came across your blog and had a great time reading & looking through your photos while I sipped my coffee. Perhaps when my 4 children are older I will have the pleasure of some of your ventures... : )

  11. Thats very nice, Denise, thanks very much.
    My kids grew up and they occasionally supply me with bits of kit for the hillwalking.
    The lesson is, of course, to keep 'em sweet, even through those awkward years between 3 and 22....

  12. Mike - what about all the county tops, I'm sure like me you already have a number under your belt. I hope to finish all the 2000ft + in Yorkshire over the winter.

  13. I do a bit of "passive" bagging of the County Tops, mark, but they seem to keep changing them and adding new ones. They do it quicker than I can bag them.
    And some of them are a bit... highest point in York??...


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