Friday 22 October 2010

A Bit of Pennine Posterity

You may need to forgive me for the next bit.
When I were a lad, the cotton mills in Earby had more looms than there were people in the town. My old mum worked twelve looms and we lived very close by. Next door, in fact.
Spring Mill (now a holiday cottage company)  worked 24 hours a day. It couldn’t have done any more. It worked itself to death. It did try it’s  hardest/ Everybody tried their hardest.
As kids, we knew the hierarchy of the millworkers from the sweepers to the weavers to the tacklers and the boilerman. There were clogs and shawls. And pints of tea and dirty jokes on the loading bay. Its a world that went , maybe forty or fifty years ago.
Me and my brother, sometimes,got to sleep in the big double bed in the back bedroom. From here you could hear the mill working. All night.
And the rhythm of the mill and the white noise that it produced would lull the knipe sprogs off to sleep.
And the rhythm of the mill is preserved in an unlikely rock classic of the 1960’s.
And here it is.

Spring Mill had exactly the same beat and rhythm as this. It was a lot noisier,though! But the percussion track here is Exactly the sound of the mill. Exactly. Enjoy.


  1. That's a nice little story, the music is good as well. Best not to look at the video though, the sound is out of synch with the picture.

  2. I've got a shirt like the one Stevie's wearing. Style is timeless !
    Check out The Jute Mill Song - Eric Faulkner (yes that Eric Faulkner !) on Youtube.
    But I would guess that you are aware of Mary Brooksbank.

  3. Llona - Hmmm its a bit irritating , that out-of-sync. Youtube's often a bit behind!
    Oldmortality - Thanks for the comment - I wasn't aware of Mary Brooksbank, but I am now. I'll have to read up a bit more. The pics on youtube that go with the song look just like the inside of Spring Mill, except, maybe for the piles of material.


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