Sunday 8 August 2010

Brief Interlude for the Borders Walk

There will now be another interlude. Hopefully, this will be about eight days long. If its any shorter, it means I’ve given up and if its any longer then it means I’ve run away with a gipsy girl or otherwise fallen down a mineshaft or something.

I’ve packed me bag in hopes and not weighed it.

Tomorrow as the forecast is not good, I’ve booked in at the Hotel Adolf Hitler in Longtown (so called because it has extreme views) but after that it’ll be the camping – and a night in the hostel at Byrness.

Anyway, here’s a relevant bit of music that…relevant. Its Kathryn Tickell playing Northumbrian Pipes. If this doesn’t make the hair on the back of your neck stand up then there’s no hope for you at all. I won’t be humming this tune whilst walking by the way – the walk would be over in half an hour if I did…

I’ll be back a week on Monday (hopefully..see above…)


  1. Katheryn Tickell's the pipes very well.
    Have a good trip Mike, we look forward to reading how it went when you get back.

  2. There's a bit of a rennaisance in Northumbrian piping going on just now - and many of the pipers are outrageously young (the yoof of today eh?) I suspect that this lass is substantially responsible.
    Anyway - walkies...!

  3. There is no hope for me Mike. Tone deff is my excuse. Anyway have a fine walk up north. I am over the boarder later part of the week. I'll be thinking of you. Not a lot - more a passing thought as I wild camp high maybe. Have a good walk and take care. I am sorting some dates for November by the way. Be in touch about it soon. Walks first to do.

  4. Oh dear, Martin. I expect you were badly brought up.
    On the subject of Dartmoor - have a look at and list everything - i.e. all mountain types over 600 metres on Dartmoor (hint)

  5. Have a great time, Mike. Hope to catch up with you soon.


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