Thursday 3 June 2010

An Appeal

meanie awakes briefly

Above is a picture of Meanie, one of our cats. Meanie likes to sleep in different places at different times of day or night. She doesn’t go out much as she is frightened of clouds, wind, sparrows, aircraft, ice cream vans, sudden noises, not sudden noises and shadows of trees.

The point about all this is, that this picture was taken by my camera just today. Its not quite right yet, and may never be, but it takes pictures. Which is good, because tomorrow, normal walking service will be resumed and I need a camera.

Which brings me to the appeal.

I’m about to write the last illustrated blogpost of my tenth TGO Challenge crossing (Have I mentioned that it was my tenth previously??) And , after the next one, I have no pictures.

So, the appeal is for spare pictures of the TGO Challenge

They need to be JPEGs about 1000x750 wotsits and be vaguely connected with the following route:


Leathad an Taobhain

Beinn Bhreac

Very Upper River Feshie


Mar Lodge

Braemar (unfocused shots welcome)

Bill and Stans

Carn an Tuirc

Cairn of Claise

Tom Buidhe


Glen Prosen





Scurdie Ness

Park (hic) Hotel

Montrose campsite.

If they are from the 2010 challenge, all the better. If not, its probably not absolutely necessary.

There will be no compensation, apart from my eternal gratitude and a bit of positive karma. I will, of course, thank you publicly and embarrasingly profusely in an ‘umble , slightly creepy kind of way….

My email address can be got from my profile on this very blog.



  1. There are a few on my Smugmug page which may be relevant, since you are in them:) You're v. welcome to take anything you like.

    They're here.

    Incredible but true: word = guiness

  2. Ah gawd bless ya, Shirl. Yer a gem so you are. I have no forelock left tug....
    Lots of pictures of food too, I see....

    guiness eh? now thats spooky...

  3. Grab any you want off of my picassa slideshow thingy 'my effort of pics' on the tgo board, there's some of you at the end and mar lodge etc.

    Drinker of your whisky, Adrian.

  4. Thanks Adrian - another star.
    I've also received a bunch of emails offerring and providing pictures.
    I guess it'll take me a while to go through them all....

    Who drank my whisky???


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