Friday 25 June 2010

Another intermission


The car’s not ready. I have access to another. I am going to Wales.

In the meantime – here’s Fiona Apple and Elvis Costello. This is fckn brill….. watch it til the end, you have nothing better to do….   Ae Fond Kiss modernised..



  1. Shiver me timbers - she really inhabits that song. It's one of my favourite EC songs and I wouldn't have believed that anyone else could do it justice until you pointed me in that direction.
    Have a good time in Wales. Although - if you are reading's probably hope you had a good time in Wales?

  2. Thats what I thought, Mark..

    This is me going to Wales by the way...

  3. She's good but she's no Posh Spice.

    (For which we should all be eternally grateful)


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