Monday 31 May 2010

TGO Photies Recovered!

Me and Dave Albon have a cuddle

I put my faith in sunshine on a windowsill and I have just recovered 86 photos that I took on this year’s TGO Challenge.

So I have a record up to the final couple of miles of day 7, after which there aren’t any anyway.

I’m just off to do some landlording and then up to Stanhope with some stuff for the wife’s market stall and then …… I’ll post some more.

The camera’s still not up and about but I’m trying a bit more sunshine then its the Philip Werner Freezer Therapy.

Yipee and hurrah anyway…..


  1. Great news! I lost a whole card full of piccies once: not a pleasant experience.

    *genuflects to the Leg End*

    Um... wanna wrestle???

  2. Great news Mike, you looked gutted about that camera incident. Great finely meeting you Mike, it seems we share the same late night passion for whisky drinking.

    Its going to take me weeks to post up my TGO report, so many good times to yabber about.

  3. Don't mind the odd wrassle, Piglet - but justaminnit - you're a small dog aren't you? Do you think that would be fair? Would Shirl be jealous and reduce your kibble supply?
    Cheers Paul - registration on the peaceful/fight club hikers forum is suspended by the way..... I can take a hint.....
    I'm happy about the piccies, though.

  4. It normally gets locked down when we are away to stop any tom foolery. I will ask Paddy to let you in.

  5. Cheers Paul.

    ...I keep a-knockin but I can't come in.....

  6. I need your email address Mike to activate it.

  7. Paul - At the top left hand side of the blog, below the enormous dog, click on "view my complete profile" and then click on the email button and you'll get the email address.

    If it doesnt work, its

    cudder just said that in the first place.... dhuhh....

  8. Try it now, open registration to the forum should be available now,

  9. I told you Mike. You just needed to dry out after the TGO and your memory would start to come back.

  10. I don't remember that, Philip.....


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