Tuesday 11 May 2010

Last minute TGO stuff

wild laundry

My TGO Challenge starts tomorrow evening with the 9:30 train to Edinburgh.

I have a few last minute things to do, but apart from these, I’m all set.

The main thing to do is shopping:

Beer (for the train)

Whisky (For the camping, till I get to Spean Bridge)

 red bothy  blue skies and challenge tents

Squirty Cheese (till Spean Bridge)

Sausage (TSB)

Lighter (In case my stove lighter stops working)


I’ve packed my pack. It feels fairly heavy. This is as scientific as I’m going to get. Its got three days food and one extra dinner in case something goes wrong.

If I finish this Challenge, it will be my tenth.

I get to snog this man

Elements of Clan Knipe are having a holiday in Johnshaven for some post-Challenge celebrations

 stan and bill

No pressure, then


  1. Hope to see you on the trail Mike.....may your crossing me a safe one

  2. Ah yes - Have yourselves a cracking time too. We'll likely meet somewhere beginning with "B"

  3. Won't get to meet you this year, but if you make it, (you will, I'm sure you will!) I'll make another effort for next!
    Have a fantastic time.

  4. Thanks Louise - unfortunately, unless I blob on this one, I won't be on the 2011 TGO (I may do something else for a change!)
    ... I'm just off to read yor blog as it happens....

  5. Good luck Mike. will you be doing any of that mobile blogging malarky ? or will we have to wait for your return for epic tales of derring do etc.

  6. No mobile blogging for me, Karl, I just don't have the equipment. If I follow Alan Sloman about, though, I could get a mention, I suppose.
    You'll just have to wait till I sober up.... It'll be early June, I expect...


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