Monday 19 April 2010

Some more pictures from Goldscope Mine

Brian sent me a few of his pictures and I’m putting them up here for your delactation, apols, delectation and delight, along with a few more of mine.

I had a rest day today as me little legs is knackered. I may make it to the library tomorrow – but there’s a long pre-TGO walk coming up before the end of the week. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make it all the way around….

Anyway – More troglodite pictures.

An insider’s view of the bin :-

Inside the bin

The remains of the Elizabethan Leat

the leat

At the wheel pit :-

The Oracle

Splashing a way out of the second level

Goldscope97 Passing a pit at the end of the coffin level

goldscope 026

CMRU Team members being lowered down the inclined shaft

inclined shaft

And that’s shallott (As we say on the allotments)


  1. Fine pics and post Mike. Looks B scary from where i'm sat.
    As i am trying my best to be a coffin dodger you wouldn't get me down there.

  2. Its amazing that a lot of these particular passages, including the inclined shaft were dug by hand using only picks and shovels and the pick marks remain on the walls and roof. The bigger open level has more modern drill marks but the effort and ingenuity thats gone into this place is remarkable and is much of the attraction.
    As for scariness, I know a few pubs that are scarier than this!

  3. Really fascinating stuff, there's so much going on just beneath our feet that we would otherwise know nothing about..

    And I love the pink!


  4. Cripes! Don't say its pink - it's supposed to be red.... (prolly the camera/flash thing - in reality its absolutely pitch black...)

  5. Definitely pink from here!

  6. Say nothing Laura and maybe people won't notice.....


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