Monday 15 March 2010

Surveying Heights of British Hills

cymru4  tryfan and nant y benlog

And other hillwalking subjects featured on Youtube……..

Below is the text of an email I just received, forwarded to me by Bill Gallon. The subject is British Hills on Youtube, in particular the surveys on heights of hills recently carried out by John Barnard and Graham Jackson. The text is written by Myrddyn Phillips and, I suppose, its a kind of viral methid of passing on the message. In particular, there’s a link to a Myrddyn Phillips Youtube video about the proposed surveying of the height of Tryfan, which may or may not be above 3000 feet. Or not.

Anyway – without more ado (as they say…) – here’s the message:

Four months ago I set up a YouTube channel dedicated towards various things associated with the British hills.  Many people involved with the Hillwalkers Register may have accessed the uploaded clips already, for those who haven't, they can be found by inputting 'Myrddyn Phillips' in the YouTube search window.  I hope some of the clips you find are of interest.

As of Monday the 15th of March, a second YouTube channel has been created, this is dedicated towards the surveying activities of John Barnard, Graham Jackson and myself.  Many of our recent surveys have resulted in reclassifications within some of the major listings of British hills, including some represented in the Hillwalkers Register.  This second YouTube channel can be accessed directly via or by inputting 'GandJSurveys' in the YouTube search window.  This second channels introduction deals with our next surveying project, this concerns one of the most iconic mountains in Britain, which may not be all that its current map height suggests.

For more information on this project please access 'GandJSurveys' on YouTube and / or tune into the BBC regional Welsh news programme 'Wales Today' between 6.30pm - 7.00pm this evening, Monday the 15th of March.  All will then be revealed.

Kind regards and many thanks to Andrew for sending this email on my behalf.

Myrddyn Phillips.


So there you are. Is Tryfan a 3000 foot top or not? 

Is my face bovvered?

Click the link – You know you want to, really….

1 comment:

  1. Eee well thanks, info... most of the hard work is, of coursde, following Martin Banfield and Graham up steep hills...


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'