Friday 12 February 2010

Revolutionary sleeping bag filler material


What you do, apparently, is empty out the down filling from your sleeping bag and fill it with this stuff.

I am reliably informed by Someone In The Know, that it will keep you warm down to about minus twenty five although some users have complained about the filling “moving” about in the night and others have said they heard strange noises when they’ve rolled over in their sleep.

Its also best if the sleeping bag outer is made of waterproof material.

It is, however, breathable – or, rather, breathing and has a certain amount of intelligence.

I give you – Puppytex. Made from real fur from sustainable sources…

new sleeping bag filling



  1. They get bigger and less cute. They slobber over you and behave badly just when you are going to be most embarrassed by their antics. I love my Lab but he drives me mad some days - every day to be honest Mike. If I took him wildcamping his wagging tail would shower condensation over me and his wet nose would be a 5am alarm clock. Plus he would try and nick all the warmth from the sleeping bag. Saying that I miss him about two minutes after I leave for a backpacking trip.

  2. I have to admit, I did laugh :)

  3. All together now, ahhhhh! Now you're not going to tell me that aint cute!
    word: ovessew

  4. Works everytime in my experience. You can use them at home too, just put them under the duvet at the bottom of the bed and your feet are toasty warm all night long.

  5. Thanks everybody. I worry about the smell and the incontinence.
    But then I think - nah - they'll soon get used to it....


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