Sunday 7 February 2010

Beadnell Bay

Sunday 7 February 2010

After another fine breakfast and much washing up, brushing things and packing, I left the OTHC Mounthooley meet for a visit to the Northumberland Coast, arriving, after some disorientation, caused by inattention to the map, at Beadnell Bay, where I paid for just one hour’s parking and trotted off for a walk on the beach.

whin sill outcrops in beadnell bay

Its a fine beach, even on a grey day like today. It is, in fact, enormous and flat and backed by dunes and, today at least, was only lightly populated by dog walkers and their dogs (Bruno would have loved this….(sniff…).

remains of ww2 bunker

I walked southwards as far as Newton Links and returned on a less interesting route on a public footpath behind the dunes for coffee and cake.

Must do more on the Northumberland coast, cos it’s fab….

I did about four miles and no ascent to speak of. Some of the walk was below sea level as the tide was out. I love walking on the beach. Its a great place to get yer hair ruffled by a mischievous breeze…..

dune and driftwood

Maybe the walk back through the Newton Links reserve would be better in summer when there’s some birds and flowers to spot…..

beadnell bay

And that was the Over The Hill Club Mounthooley Meet. Wot fun!

I now have the job of writing the report of the meet for the club magazine. I wonder if they realise what they’ve let themselves in for in allowing me to do this task?

The meet was enjoyable, even through the slight nausea of Tracy the cardiac Nurse’s latest prescription of calcium antangoniser or something tablets, what also give me a headache. I expect I’ll get use to them She did say that if I failed to take them my blood pressure would get so bad that one day my eyes would explode and ruin my OS map. Which isn’t what you want, really as they are quite expensive.

Anyway, nice to see a few old friends up in the Cheviots….

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