Thursday 14 January 2010

TGO Challenge Food and other things

d12 how to cook breakfast

Just taken delivery of a box of scoff from mainly for the TGO challenge. My food plan says that I need to start with 3 days food and send a parcel to Dalwhinnie with 2 days food – more of that later.

There’s also the little question of a pre-TGO Challenge walkabout. My original idea of walking up the middle of the Isle of man seems to have been replaced by a wander over a classic Borders Oldie walk which goes from Peebles to Moffat – and, probably back again. various other bloggers and walky types have expressed an interest in joining in – so, hopefully, more of that later, too. Should be a jolly jape, I would have thought.


Wot I bought from outdoors grub:

1 Adventure Food rice satay

1 Mountain House Pasta with lasagna sauce

2 Mountain House custard with apple

1 Be Well Chicken vegetable pasta

1 Be Well Thai Chicken with rice

2 Be well Hot cereal start with sultanas

1 Real Turmat Pasta Provence

1 Real Turmat wolfish casserole

1 Backpackers pantry Katmandu Curry

1 Backpackers pantry Spaghetti with sauce

1 MX3 Aventure (?sic) from TITOK (oddly strange name!) Red Curry Noodles and shrimp

I’ll be supplementing this with various packet soups, which I’ll also fortify with instant spuds.

I need more breakfasts – I also usually eat cereal bars at brekkies – eg Jordans, but I could do with more variety. Meusli won’t do. I hate the stuff. I’d rather eat Bruno’s tail just after an incident with a dead sheep. Those instant, flavoured porridges are also off the menu since, whilst they taste quite nice, their energy only lasts me about half an hour – which is rubbish. Any suggestions gratefully received – although I expect that a visit to Asda might solve the problem.

I also need more sweets – same applies, Asda beckons, but any suggestions…. I’ll probably take an MRE chocolate sponge as a treat.

I tend also to stuff in squirty cheese and oatcakes and, of course, the always reliable cheapo whisky.

As for other planning – I’m probably a bit late with it, but I have to ring the bunkhouse in Mallaig to see if they have any beds and I did try to book the hotel at Dalwhinnie, but they’re not taking on-line bookings. I’ll give them a buzz later. I hope there isn’t a problem.

If there is, I’ll solve it by simply carrying another 2 days food!

Incidentally, I ordered the food by phone from Outdoors Grub on Monday morning and it's arrived just now on Wednesday afternoon, which is quite good innit?



  1. That Real Turmat Wolfish Casserole is Superdawg's Danglies!

    Looking forward to Peebles to Moffat - plotted it all out last night on Anquet... I'll be the one right at the back behind the stragglers, then.

    Word = "Deddism" - V Appropriate!

  2. I'm looking forward to the Real Turmat stuff Alan. I'm trying to work out what "wolfish" actually means, though - the packet's too wrinkled to read the contents!
    Peebles-Moffat promises a lot. I just hope we get the weather for it!
    I wonder what a deddist actually does?

  3. Hi Mike

    Re Peebles-Moffat.' Could you email me? (address on TGOC message board - can't seem to find one for you?).


    David Albon

  4. Ive emailed you, David - maybe I ought to post a blog message thingy about this proposed expedition into the unknown.

  5. Thanks Mike!

    I like th look of all that food by the way!!!


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