Saturday 9 January 2010

Snow? Don’t talk to me about snow!

alston moor snowblower

Alston Moor Snow Blower Blowing Snow Hartside

I just thought I’d share a couple of pictures sent to me by Brian from Nenthead showing the new ice age that’s starting to develop over the hill (from here…) - and also the otherwwise superb weather that I can't seem to get to....

hartside snowblower

Alston Moor Snow Blower on Hartside Pass

I’m a bit miffed that I can’t actually get anywhere much in the car at the moment – I did give the knipemobile a little run around Tow Law yesterday, to keep it reasonably healthy – and then I got it stuck just outside Pie Towers and had to use spades, bits of carpet, three blokes, some road grit and the wife to get it moving again. Then I got stuck again and a lass who said she used to live in Tow Law pushed me out, then I couldn’t get it in the garage. So, pro-tem, its staying where it is, specially as they seem to have stopped gritting places that aren’t “A” roads.

Anyway – I thought the pictures were rather good. They include a hint from Brian to come and dig a snowhole – and I’ve added a picture from last year’s snowhole digging day just to illustrate a finished item. It looks like the pile of snow outside Brian’s is quite a bit bigger than last year though.

building plot

2010 Building Plot


Hole complete with electricity supply, fitted carpet and tenant

I wonder if I could catch the bus up Weardale and walk over the hill?


  1. I think Matt, Pip and I should come and play! There is a rubbish snow effort down here.

    I want to make a snow house and pip wants to make yellow snow.

  2. We're trying to teach Bruno to write his name in yellow.
    So far, the results shave been disappointing.
    Pip would disappear in this stuff!

  3. Incidentally, rachel, James and Michelle left two sledges behind!
    Handy for shopping sledging....

  4. Ah I remember dragging shopping home on a sledge. What fun!

    Bruno will get it i'm sure, just need to blow some bubbles at him in the right sequence. lol

  5. Bruno is useless at pulling the sledge, I did try him and he just looked at me daft.
    Our old dog used to stop at lamposts, which wasn't much good, really.
    Next door's cat, however gave it a go and was successful, although he only really noticed the string which he tried to carry off to eat (having hunted it)
    He couldn't manage with me on the sledge, though.

  6. ..then there was riding down the street on the back of the skis - great till it came to do a turn....

  7. The RSPCA were pleased to take my call. They reckoned you don't have a performing licence for the stunts these poor creatures are being asked to perform.

    They said, given the current problems with the roads, they'd be with you to check the place out as soon as they'd visited the local rescue centre to put a sled pulling team together.

  8. I just hope they won't fall for Bruno's claim to be badly undernourished and in immediate need of bonio.


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