Friday 22 January 2010

Normal Service Resumes?

 great shunner fell summit shelter

I wonder if its now possible to resume my little programme of collecting (or recollecting) the Yorkshire dales 2000 foot tops, following reasonable progress on Drumaldrace recently. The snow seems to have either mainly melted or become hard enough to walk on. Or maybe I’m just being  over optimistic

I’m going to give it a go anyway and, at the same time continue with some more local winter-suitable walks in Weardale, Teesdale and maybe just over in Northumberland

So, the next couple of weeks, hopefully at least, looks quite like this:

24 January – Great Shunner Fell from Hawes

28 January Middlehope Moor from Cowshill

31 January Great Knoutberry (aka Widdale fell) from Dent Station. I’m considering catching the 10:34 am train to Dent Station from Garsdale Head Station and walking back in a linear kind of way. If the conditions are really good, I could start walking from Ribblehead.

 penyghent from fountains fell

A tentative start, but if this works, I may try to do some more stuff using the Settle- Carlisle line – for instance, a nice summer walk may well go from Garsdale to Kirkby Stephen over Mallerstang or Wild Boar fell and there could be interesting opportunities around Horton/Settle/Penyghent/Ingleborough. 

And worrabout Dent to Ribblehead over Whernside……

Anyway thats as far as the current plans go. I’ve also booked myself in to an Over the Hill Club weekend in the Cheviots at Mounthooley.

I feel an exploration of Hen Hole and Bizzle Burn coming on…..

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