Tuesday 26 January 2010

Nan Lyle Academy

Piepeople who aren’t also TGO Challengers – and some that are will probably be aware that somebody called Nan Lyle has recently died, but may well not know much else about her.

So, just for a bit of background – Nan was a venerable TGO Challenger who came from Hawick. She’d completed nine TGO Challenges and had had a couple of goes at completing a tenth.

Nan was also, apparently, a well known figure in Scottish Scouting movement and she was a member of a group called the Borders Exploration Group. This group had been responsible for funding and building a school in a small village in Kenya – which the locals named the “Nan Lyle Academy”

Now the point of this post (we get there eventually) – is that Nan’s funeral is tomorrow in Hawick and there will be a collection of cash which will be used to maintain this school in Kenya.

I have a contact address for anybody who can’t get to Hawick and feels they’d like the remember Nan by the maintenance of this school – by donating a cuppla quid or whatever.

Its probably a bad idea to release somebody’s address on the internet, but if anybody wants to make a donation by post, email me at mike.knipe@btinternet.com and I’ll reply with an address to send cheques to.

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