Sunday 20 December 2009

Snowy Crook

Hillwalkers tend to get over-excited about a bit of snow – and so it is with Superdawg. And its for this reason that later on this morning – after a short bout of scoffing a gradely plate of bacon and fried potatoes and, me and the dogs will be having a bit of a play in the snow. 

In the meantime, here’s a couple of pictures of the front garden of knipetowers with some snow in it, innit?


snow morning 003

snow morning 001

And a picture of Crook.

snow morning 007

For anybody reading this who may be a bit nervous about their prospective travel in and around the area – the main roads are clear girls and boys, providing you drive on the dark bits.

There may well be more snow pics later on.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, real snow! We have some too, but not as much as that.

    It's absolutely filthy out today--sleeting and strong winds--but I promised Piglet a walk. I'm not sure whether she actually wants to go or not.

    I'm going to take her to Waitrose (in Formby) dressed in her Equafleece, and if it looks okay we'll stop on the way back and walk in the woods while dinner cools in the car.


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