Tuesday 3 November 2009

TGO Smug Mode

bridge in glen feshie

This bridge has now withdrawn from the TGO Challenge (washed away)

Just got an email from Roger Smith confirming my place on the 2010 TGO Challenge. Yes, I know I already had a place as it will be my tenth, but still, eh? Nice to have confirmation.

And now – designing a route. I hardly ever have much trouble doing this – it usually takes me a couple of hours, to be honest. I can’t understand why some people agonise over it so much. The only trouble I have is that I mangle the gaelic names so much,, the vetters can’t vet for laughing/crying/fuming….

Anyway, the news is that they’re going back to the old system of start points and there’s 330 people out of 440 who have places. The rest will go on a standby list and quite a lot of these wil get a place as some of the 330 wilkl die, break their legs, get married and move to Australia, get a sinking feeling that they shouldn’t have applied…..

back to the earwig song….


  1. Good news, our group of 4 are biting their nails in anticipation on a possible TGO start.......

  2. Fingers crossed, then. Just got a pm from Gillian as well....
    It'd be great if you get places.

  3. Yippee!
    Me too!

    Pours another celebratory beer to celebrate the last beer tasting so good.

    Repeat to oblivion...

  4. Up here in Crook, where most of the other Challengers come from, we have a bottle of vino collapso.
    Cheapo vino collapso, as it happens..
    Cheers, though, Alan - could be a good night at Lochailort....

  5. Me too! - It's going to be a long walk across the Atlantic to get to the starting point.

  6. Hello Philip - no need to walk (although the best way is North over the top and down through Norway - only passable in winter) - they have ships nowadays, y'know.
    You need to set off fairly soon, though.
    I'm for the public bar at Lochailort as a start point - but see you in Montrose!

  7. Lochailort, eh? Sounds good to meeeeeeee!

  8. Everybody and his dog will be at Lochailort by the sound of it - except the dog, obviously....

  9. "Everybody and his dog will be at Lochailort by the sound of it" - except me and t'misses who will be going from......, ah but I'd better keep it to myself otherwise the B&B's will go broke through lack of custom.


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