Friday 20 November 2009

A Meeting in Cumbria


I’ve just spoken to Barbara Dawes who is the organiser of the Over the Hill Club AGM and paddling weekend at Derwentwater YHA which starts this evening.

P1090025 One of last year’s Weardale floods

TGO Challengers may well remember Barbara as the Voice of Reason on TGO Challenge Control. I think I last spoke to her several years ago from a phone box near Kirkmichael. She doesn’t do Challenge Control any more but the soothing tones are still there….

Anyway, its likely that most people will be aware that Cumbria has just had its biggest rain storm since the last one, with at least a couple of feet of rain falling not to far away from Derwentwater YHA over the last 24 hours – and the place is, generally, a bit of a disaster area.

But the Over the Hill Club AGM is still “on”. So, I’m going to try to get there. As the subject of my prospective membership is on the agenda, and I’ve paid money for meals and stuff, I think I should…    I’ll wait for a few hours for the water to recede a bit, though. A66, probably since the bridge at Langwathby is, apparently well under water

But, there’s  another 40cm of rain is forecast for Saturday. So I may not be back soon……

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