Tuesday 15 September 2009

This is me off again

After several days up a ladder with a paint brush, I now have sufficient Good Boy Points for a few days off in the middle bit of Scotland for the bagging of a few of the smaller but nevertheless interesting hills in the Campsies, Trossachs and Ochils - and , possibly other places nearby.

So, I'm just off to get my supplies (gas and whisky) and I've decided that I'll put up the venerable Wild Country Mistral and portable dog kennel at the campsite at Thornhill, provided they'll have me. This tent leaks, despite having had the attention of various waterproofing sprays, but the forecast is for dry weather, so I shouldn't be to bothered, providing the forecast is right....

Anyway, there will now be a short pause whilst Superdawg Goes Camping.

Caerleatheran calls

Meikle Bin mithers (to be walked on)

Steele's Know sighs for a stride out

and the Craigs of Monvreckie calls for a thing beginning with "C"
Utterly irrelevant picture of the Moffat Hills is published, other than to encourage people who've never been to the Moffat Hills to go and have a look, cos they is fab, like.


  1. Enjoy the hills and have a fine time.

  2. Looking forward to reading about your travels Mike. Interested to hear what you make of my "home patch".

  3. A short pause?

    Sure that should read 'paws'.


  4. Paws..arf arf...the dog enjoyed it, and so did I. Its a fab and quite beautiful area - I'll be posting all about it shortly...


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