Thursday 6 August 2009

Planning a long distance walk part quatro, er quarter..Four...

This is probably the last “Long Distance Walk Planning” post before I set off on my long distance walk up Cumbria.
Since the previous post about this, I’ve defined the route a bit better and decided, roughly, the general area where I should be camping each night.
I’ve also diverted the walk to visit Grasmere for the chips, beer and ice-cream and I’ve by-passed Blencathra on the grounds that I am an old man and my arms are weak, my legs are bent and my sight is thin and, apart from that, there were far too many closely packed contours, quite frankly.
The bag is still packed from the Grey Nag trip the other day.
So, the only thing to do now is to sort out the scoff. I’ve got all this dried stuff but there’s a number of breakfasts and “trail” food for during the day – which won’t amount to much. I just have to fill in the gaps and buy more gas, all of which I’ll do on Saturday.

I'll also haev to weigh the bag, then unpack it and take out all the stuff I won't need, if there is anything.

The kit list, though, is fairly well honed by now.
On Sunday, I’m likely to be doing something over by Nenthead or Garrigill which may or may not involve quite a lot of lovely, sticky, mucky, sloppy mud.
Or it might not.
I must say that I’m not specially confident about the chances of success for this long walk, though. It looks tough, even on paper (for an old man with bent eyes and weak legs and sticky arms….)
But faint heart never flicked a bogey at a policeman, as they say in Rio.
Completely irrelevant pic shows Skelfhill Pen near Galashiels. More people should visit this place, really. And there's just one more Bonzo Dog song, cos its Thursday


  1. Have a great walk, Mike. When will you hit the fleshpots of Grasmere?

  2. Ta Martin. I hope to be in Grasmere on Thursday.
    Wherever there is beer - I shall pour it down me neck
    Wherever there are chips, so shall there be vinegar
    Wherever there is ice cream - so shall I bring chocolate flakes and wafers.
    I might be lucky and get all three in one place

  3. salut,

    c'est toujours un plaisir de venir sur ton blog


  4. Salut Mouflon-garou
    As you can probably tell from various posts, my French probably isn't up to writing any kind of reply.
    I understood your comment, though.


If your comment has any external links at all it won't be published.... just sayin'