Sunday 19 July 2009

Planning a long walk

Back in the depths of Justafterchristmas when nights were cold and I still had a small supply of Dad's Christmas Whisky (now all used up, sadly...) I planned my 2009 events. This included a long walk to be taken in August. I'd no idea where at the time.

Then, in a blinding flash of flashing blindness it suddenly occurred to me to walk across the length of Cumbria (by that, I mean up , as opposed to across) keeping as high as possible (in terms of altitude, I won't be taking drugs) and a brief examination of some maps indicated that just such a walk was technically possible.

And so, I worked out a route from Millom to Bowfell to Dunmail raise to Helvellyn and Threlkeld and then over the top of the back O' Skiddaw to Caldbelck and thus by roads and lanes to Bowness on Solway.

Then I forgot about it.

Then I remembered it and had a sinking feeling.

Then I bought train tickets to Millom.

Thirty-two of your Queen's Pounds.

I start on the tenth of August.

I have much planning to do, though. And as I have this bloggy thing here, I might as well record the planning.

The first thing is food....

I'm now thinking about food.

In the meantime, over the next two days, I have two walks planned.

After that I'll do the food thing.

Actually, I'm a bit hungry as it happens....


  1. Sounds a good walk. With all that time on Hadrian s Wall you are keeping the fitness levels up - so it should be easy for you :)

  2. Its been on my list of things to do for years and years, Martin. Or , I should say, things to attempt anyway.
    Keep watching this one , Martin, I may need advice...!

  3. Start somewhere. Finish somewhere and enjoy the bit in between is my best advice. But I will keep an eye on the post as always.

  4. Take a helmet, Mike - you'll need protection from the Mad Bird of Orthwaite!

  5. Oooer an aggressive buzzard. maybe if I take some buzzard food.....

  6. How long are you planning on it taking, Mike?

  7. I've given myself six days, plus two days travelling, David. I could swap a day travelling for a days walking and I'll be walking a short distance on day 1.
    I might not actually arrive at the other end, but I'll give it a good go...


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