Wednesday 29 July 2009

Number One Menu

I'm just about to set off for a minor sojourn up a Pennine, the main purpose of which is to have about 36 hours reading a book and dreaming about Kylie Minogue.

I'll probably be back Friday afternoon

In the meantime, I just thought I'd share the non-lightweight number one menu (see pic)

This consists of 2 lunches - I Orzo salad, 1 co-op cous cous, 2 choccy bars and 2 granola bars, 1 dinner - a "look what we found" beef and basil meatballs in tomato sauce, a tin of garden peas and some instant mash, followed by peach slices, cheese board and fine whisky (that's very cheap whisky, actually)

Breakfats is 3 mushrooms, 1 tomato, 3 pork sausages, 2 rashers of smoky bacon.

I have a small supply of emergency rations if I get peckish, and a moderate supply of instant tea, coffee, whitener, hot chocolate.....

I haven't picked out a book, yet. I may go down to Crook library.

I notice the met office have poo-pooed the idea of a hot summer (only four or five weeks to go anyway...) and are predicting wetness. This is good. Break out the factor 35.

Probably too late for the next couple of days, though. But I don't mind. I'll be in me tent.

Incidentally, the stats for the scoff, not including the alcohol, beverages and Jordan;s Emergency Breakfasts are: Cost: £11.06, weight 2.121 kg, calories 3259, salt 10.05 gm (4gm too much) and saturated fat 36.7 gm (high, but not impossible to see the top from close-up)


  1. An absolutely splendid spread Michael.

    That 'Look what we found' is splendid stuff - in fact, quite nice for a 'Newsnight' snack.... with a few water biscuits and camembert.

    Just off to the fridge then.

  2. crikey - is it this late already?
    I'd add some onion soup wot Ive just found, but its bursting with salt. I just couldn't eat any more salt. Thats the problem with this kind of stuff....
    Anyway, I've found a book - Walter Scott, sumfink about Lammermuir... presented to somebody for good attendance at Sunday school in 1919
    I wonder where we got that one from?

  3. "notice the met office have poo-pooed the idea of a hot summer (only four or five weeks to go anyway...) and are predicting wetness"

    IS this anything to do with thinking about Kylie Minogue?

  4. oh yes, those meatballs are scrummy. they do a bloomin' good chile in the same range! hmmm...starting to feel a bit peckish meself.

  5. Who mentioned Kylie Minogue, Tykelad? Still, now we're on the subject.....
    Ah! Meatballs, Tony... I scoffed some up on the top of Grey Nag (2152 feet) last night. I will be reporting on my findings in a blog posting coming to you shortly.


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